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Parent and Carer Council
Parent and Carer Council
The Parent and Carer Council (the PCC) is Tower Hamlets’ main family forum. The PCC provides a platform where parents can collectively help shape the services that are available to families in the borough.
Watch our film, which highlights the importance of parent voice and the ways that parents are using parent forums to make a real difference to their children’s lives.
Parents and carers are welcome to come along to the Parent and Carer Council, listen to other parents and key speakers and give their views about services that are available to parents across the borough. It is also the best way to:
- get involved with local consultations,
- help us identify gaps in support for families (in education, health or parenting), and
- discuss national issues that may also affect parents locally.
Why should I get involved?
Local families know what support services work in the borough – and what needs improvement. The PCC gives parents and carers the opportunity to share information about education, health and community safety in the borough, so that Tower Hamlets can offer the best possible services to families now and in the future.
The PCC is part of a wider network of opportunities for parents to come together and engage with service managers and decision makers as detailed in the Tower Hamlets Parental Engagement Governance Structure.
Many parents and carers have already seen the benefits of being part of a parent forum, network or support group or taking up a volunteering role through their child’s school or community setting.
We provide free training to support your involvement with the PCC, and you can be involved as little or as much as you want to.
Who can join?
Parents or carers with a child from birth to 25, who live in the borough or have a child attending a school in Tower Hamlets, are welcome to join.
This may include:
- fathers and mothers who live in Tower Hamlets and their partners
- fathers and mothers-to-be and their partners
- grandparents
- foster carers and adults with responsibility for caring for a child
Representatives from other Tower Hamlets parent groups and forums are also very welcome.
When and where does the PCC meet?
The PCC meet 3 times a year either online or in accessible, child friendly venues across the borough. When meeting in person, free childcare and activities for children up to the age of 13 years and light refreshments are also provided.
Upcoming meetings
Upcoming meeting dates:
- Saturday 2 July 2022
- Saturday 12 November 2022
How to get involved?
For further information on how to join the PCC and for future meeting dates, please
Email: [email protected] or Call the Family Information Service Tel: 020 7364 6495
Let’s Talk...Overview of previous PCC meetings
PCC meetings often have information shares and consultation opportunities for parents to participate in. It is an opportunity to meet service managers and decision makers who design and develop support services for local families.
Feedback on the actions taken from previous PCC meeting discussions are regularly presented. Space is also given for parents to share news and information with other families.
Saturday 16 October 2021, 10.45am - 12.45pm - Online
- Meet the Safer School Police Officers - Safer School Officers
- Let’s Talk…Child Healthy Weight Consultation- Tower Hamlets GP Care Group
- Update on Covid-19 messages: Information on the Covid-19 vaccination programme for 12–15-year-olds - NHS North East London Clinical Commissioning Group and LBTH Public Health
- Feedback from a previous meeting
- Have Your Say on The Local Infrastructure Fund 2021
- Find out how PCC views have helped use the fund in previous years
LBTH Growth and Infrastructure Planning Team
Also discussed, the Council Budget Consultation, Keeping Children Safe Online workshop opportunities, Parent Conference 2022.
Saturday 12 June 2021, 10.45am - 12.45pm - Online
- Domestic Abuse Awareness Workshops - Item led by a PCC Member
- Update on Covid-19 messages: Keep Tower Hamlets safe - advice for families - LBTH Public Health
- Let’s Talk…Poverty Review - Strategy, Policy and Performance Team with a PCC Member and Parent Champion
- The impact of ‘no recourse to public funds’- Item led by a PCC Member and Parent Champion who works at local refugee charity Praxis with a colleague from Praxis
- Feedback from a previous meeting
- Relationship and Sex Education in schools update
- The Healthy Lives Team
Other topics discussed included developments around Play in the borough and the upcoming Dads’ Play Day event for Father’s Day weekend.
Saturday 10 October 2020, 10.30am - 12.30pm - Online
Additional item on changes to SEND Provision , 12.30 - 1.15pm
- Introduction to the new Corporate Director of Children and Culture, James Thomas
- Update from the Cabinet Member - Cllr Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Children and Schools
- Let’s Talk…Anti-racism and Black Lives Matter (work in schools)- Global Learning London, part of the Tower Hamlets Schools Library Service
- Let’s Talk…Covid-19 Messages for Families- LBTH Public Health
- Feedback from a previous meeting…
- Relationship and Sex Education in schools update
- The Healthy Lives Team
Changes to SEND Provision was also discussed with the Divisional Director of Education and Partnerships and the Head of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team at the end of the main PCC meeting.
Saturday 7 March 2020, 10am - 1.30pm - Spotlight Youth Centre, Poplar
- Update since last meeting and current events/ consultation opportunities:
- Partnership Working with Toynbee Hall
- Rich Mix – Women’s Philosophy and Photography Course
- Summer Holiday Clubs – Tackling Poverty Team Focus Group
- Annual Parent and Carer Survey Update
- Potential new Parent Champions project to help tackle loneliness
- Any other news - Update from the Cabinet Member
- A Review of Youth Services
- SEND Transport (Travel Assistance Consultation)
- Primary School Review
- Cllr Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Young People - Let’s Talk…Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
- The Healthy Lives Team
Feedback from a previous meeting…an update on chosen priorities of the £6m Local Infrastructure Fund to improve your local neighbourhood item with the LBTH Growth and Infrastructure Planning Team to be forwarded to a future meeting.
Saturday 30 November 2019, 10am - 1.30pm, Spotlight Youth Centre, Poplar
- Update since last meeting and current consultation opportunities:
- Annual Parent and Carer Survey
- Youth Service Consultation - Feedback from PCC Parents
- Children and Families Partnership Board – PCC Reps
- RSE Board – PCC Reps
- SEND Ambassadors - Other Consultations and Events
- Mayor’s Budget Consultation: Have Your Say
- Rich Mix – Every Chance for Every Child Roundtable
- Future Ambitions for our Primary Schools Event
- Any other news - Tackling Poverty Team – Support Holiday Hunger Clubs- LBTH Tackling Poverty Team
- Empowering health professionals to talk about air pollution
- Global Action Plan
- Let’s Talk…Community Cohesion Consultation: - Our Tower Hamlets – a plan for a more cohesive community 2020- 2025
- LBTH Cohesion Team
- Help set the priorities of how the £6m Local Infrastructure Fund is spent to improve your local neighbourhood
- LBTH Growth and Infrastructure Planning Team
Saturday 6 July 2019, 10am - 1.30pm, V&A Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green
- V&A Museum of Childhood information- Senior Producer (Formal Learning) for the Museum
- Update since last meeting and feedback from PCC Parents:
- Feedback from PCC Parents
-Afternoon Tea with the Mayor for Parent Volunteers
-Mental Health Parent Champions visit Buckingham Palace
-UN Special Investigation into Poverty and Austerity in the UK - Update on Children, Schools and Young People Portfolio- Cllr Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Young People
- Introduction to the Community Safety Partnership- Community Safety Commissioning Manager
- Community Languages Service Review- Judith St John, Divisional Director Sports, Leisure and Culture
- Public consultation on making changes to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) funding
- Annual PCC Trip Ideas
Saturday 23 March 2019, 10am - 1.30pm, Spotlight Youth Centre, Poplar
- Update since last meeting and feedback from PCC Parents on recent community activities:
- General Pharmaceutical Council Consultation
- Coram Family and Childcare Parent Champions Conference
-UN Special Investigation into Poverty and Austerity in the UK
- Museum of London Family Panel Experiences
- New opportunities - Tower Hamlets Parent Conference 2019
- SEND Ambassadors Programme and Local Offer
- Tower Hamlets Independent SEND Parent Forum information- Item led by national charity CONTACT and a PCC Member who is also part of the TH Independent SEND Parent Forum
- Update on Children, Schools and Young People Portfolio- Cllr Danny Hassell, Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Young People
- Keeping Children Safe and Secure Discussion – Continued Safe After School Campaign