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Mulberry, Stepney Green Sixth Form


Service Description

Academic Tutoring Day
On two occasions during the academic year the whole school has an Academic Tutoring Day. On this day you and your parents are assigned a time with your form tutor to discuss your attainment and progress against your A Level targets. These are very important appointments. As it is normal school day you must follow the sixth form dress code.

This is a system used in the sixth form to produce target A Level grades. Progress towards these targets will be carefully monitored. There will be 6 reports a year, 5 will be grade reports and one will be a written report.

You will have 1 school assembly per week, Monday am. You will also attend whole school assemblies as and when scheduled. It is an expectation that sixth formers deliver assemblies at times during the school year.

AS and A2
An Advanced level GCE is made up of two parts, the AS and the A2. You will typically study AS levels in year 12 and A2 levels in year 13, the combination of grades from AS and A2 make up the overall A Level qualification. All AS levels are graded A – E, A2s are graded from A* - E. The majority of students will study 4 AS Levels in year 12 and 3 A2s in year 13. One AS will be cashed in at the end of year 12. It is usual that you will have a sense of which subject you only wish to study for one year. Students must pass AS in order to continue to A2.

Attendance is a hugely important part of ensuring success. We expect 100% attendance. You must arrive in school for registration by 8.35. You must also register for afternoon school. All absences must be reported to the Attendance Officer in school by 8.30 am on the first day of absence. Following an absence from school a letter signed by parent/carer must be provided and you must give this to your Form Tutor.

If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, you must inform the tutor of the reason. Emergency medical appointments, funerals, orthodontist appointments are acceptable reasons for planned absence. Driving tests, routine dental appointments, holiday visits are not. The pace of sixth form lessons moves much faster than at any point in your education and missing any time will undoubtedly have an impact.

If there are several unexplained absences, or if there is a pattern and attendance falls below 95% then parent /carers will be contacted. If necessary a meeting will be organised to discuss the reasons for poor attendance. We will do all we can to support any student who is absent from school due to on-going illness, but missing even a couple of days creates problems. Remember that bursary payments are only guaranteed to those students with 100% attendance.

Attendance data is based on attendance to am and pm registration, attendance to lessons and attendance during independent study periods will also be monitored.

Additional Information

Additional Information

Who’s who
The sixth form team is here to support you and to challenge to do your very best.

Ms M. Fitzmaurice
Deputy Head Leading on Sixth Form

Mr M. Donolato
Head of Sixth Form.

Ms R. Gill
Deputy Head of Sixth Form.

Ms N. Smyth
Sixth Form Administrator.

The team is also made up of your A Level teachers and your form tutors.

Suitable for ages

Age of Users
From 16 years to 19 years



Questions & Answers

Are The Premises Accessible For Wheelchair Users?
Can Families Self-Refer To The Service?
Do You Cater For Over 8s?
Do You Have Child Protection Policies And Procedures
Do You Offer Specific Support For Children With Additional Needs?

OFSTED Information

OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary
01 April 2014

Further Information

Provider Type
Sixth Form Colleges Sixth Form Colleges
Delivery Channels
In Person Office / Premises
Referral Criteria
None (Self-referral)