Signhealth Domestic Abuse Service
Service Description
We are a specialist service for Deaf Adults and Children who have experienced abuse.
We are the only domestic abuse service in the UK that communicates with Deaf people directly, using a variety of communication methods, predominantly British Sign Language.
Communicating in sign language means we are able to offer Dead people the support and advice they need, in a language they can understand.
We work with people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearingm we also support families that have Deaf parents but hearing children; hearing parents and Deaf children.
Our services work to the neds of the family and can meet to discuss issues in whatever locations work for them.
We run a number of Health Relationship workshops throughout London - these are advertised as a and when applicable.
We work to keep Deaf adults and children safe through provision, protection and prevention.
• Allocation of qualified Deaf IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate)
• Allocation of a Deaf YPVA (Young Persons Violence Advocate)
• Working with refuges to provide support to Deaf women
• Referral where necessary to SignHealth’s one-to-one therapy in British Sign Language
• Survivor Workshops for Deaf women
• Work in partnership with key national and local agencies, to develop guidelines for best practice
• Guidance on laws, policy and practice to ensure the needs of vulnerable Deaf people and children are recognised and fully met.
Within our Young People sector this offers prevention workshops in schools, colleges and youth clubs to young Deaf people aged 11-25. Topics covered include healthy relationships, sexting, cyber bullying, female genital mutilation, honour-based violence and much more.
We also offer one-to one support for Deaf children who have witnessed or experienced domestic abuse within the home.
Additional Information
Additional Information
We offer allocated ISVA as well as IDVA and that we also work with families experiencing domestic abuse.