Job Enterprise And Training (JET)
Service Description
The Tower Project’s Job Enterprise and Training Service is East London’s leading provider of specialist supported employment services for young people and adults with a learning disability or autism. Operating from a modern, accessible employment and training hub in Bow, JET aims to increase the number of disabled people in sustainable employment by providing a straight forward programme of support.
People using the JET service are allocated a specialist Disability Employment Advisor. The advisors have been specifically trained to support people throughout their journey with the service from the initial assessment and planning stages to helping people to sustain their employment once in paid work. This continuity of support is a vital component of the success of the service and their ability to support people to progress rapidly into employment.
Support services include:
• Initial assessments
• Action planning
• CV building
• Job searching and job applications
• Interview skills and confidence building
• Training in Systematic job coaching
Courses are provided at the appropriate level for people’s needs. Qualified specialist tutors and teaching assistants foster a supportive environment, providing people with the skills, knowledge and qualifications to best equip their progression into employment.
In addition to employment and training services, JET operates a number of social enterprises in catering, IT and community transport valeting that provide supported work placement and paid employment opportunities for local disabled people and a stepping stone to mainstream employment.