Tower Hamlets School Health And Wellbeing Service (East Team)
Service Description
The School Health Service delivers universal health service to school aged children attending mainstream school in The London borough of Tower Hamlets. The service delivers key interventions guided by the healthy Child Programme 5-19 yrs as follows:-
• Pre-school questionnaire – to identify children who may require additional support or onward referral
• Reception screening – all 4-5 yr olds are offered a growth vision and hearing screen. The service will provide onward referral to children who require it
• Supporting the PSHE programme in school – the service works with key school staff to delivery puberty and hygiene session to 9-10 and 10-11 yr olds to support transition
• National Child Measurement programme (NCMP) – growth measure in reception (4-5 yrs) and yr 6 (10-11 yrs). NCMP data is submitted to Public Health England in order to provide population data regarding obesity
• Supporting children with additional health needs – completing health care plans to optimise learning opportunities for children with long term health conditions
• Health Needs Awareness webinars – delivered to key local authority and education staff developing knowledge and awareness of long term health conditions including how to support children in an emergency
• Health assessments – comprehensive health assessments - assessing the health needs of children in a holistic way in order to identify the need for additional support and/or onward referral to specialist services including difficulties with emotional health and wellbeing
• Secondary school drop ins – in order to provide increased access to health advice school nurses provide drop ins that school aged children and key school staff and gain advice and/or support on a range of health topics.
The service is made up of a multi-skilled workforce of qualified school nurses, first registration nurses (usually children’s nurses), community nursery nurses (trained in child development and early years education) and support workers
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Additional Information
Health promotion / education designed to support children / families to prevent ill health and promote a healthy lifestyle. These sessions are delivered for parents at pre-arranged sessions in schools including at coffee mornings.
Supporting families who require support in order to safeguard their children’s wellbeing – working with other statutory bodies to provide children with support and protection in accordance with the statutory Safeguarding children’s framework.