Idea Store Canary Wharf
Service Description
Idea Store Canary Wharf - the borough's 4th Idea Store opened on Thursday 16 March 2006. The Store offers free internet access, courses and events for every age and interest, thousands of books for loan, and CDs and DVDs for hire.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Idea Stores are more than just a library or a place for learning. As well as library services, they offer a wide range of adult learning courses and an extensive activities and events programme for all the family.
Idea Store Canary Wharf - the borough's 4th Idea Store opened on Thursday 16 March 2006. Courses at the store are offered in partnership between Tower Hamlets Council and Tower Hamlets College.
Joining your local Idea Store or library is easy and FREE. Just visit one of our Idea Stores or libraries and complete the application form for membership. You will need to provide proof of your name and address - this could be a driving licence, a medical card, a utility bill or any official communication that you have recently received.