Phoenix Outreach Service
Service Description
The POS consists of six specialist advisory teachers with experience and expertise in supporting autistic pupils.
Our vision as a service is to provide effective support for autistic pupils in mainstream schools across the borough of Tower Hamlets.
We see Phoenix School as a centre of excellence for supporting autistic pupils of all ages.
Through the Phoenix Outreach Service, we aim to share this excellent practice with mainstream schools, in order to support successful inclusion of autistic pupils in their school settings.
We work with autistic pupils from the age of 3 to 19 in mainstream, maintained school settings.
We provide training for key staff, and for organisations within the community.
We run termly parents’ evenings and a programme of parent workshops and courses throughout the year, hosted by mainstream schools.
Additional Information
Additional Information
The Phoenix Outreach Service (POS) exists to support the inclusion of children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in mainstream schools.