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Beatrice Tate Special Secondary School

Additional Information

Additional Information

Beatrice Tate School is a secondary special school in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets for students aged 11 to 19 with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties. A significant proportion of our learners have additional sensory and physical impairments.

Beatrice Tate is a school where individuals are valued and all staff and students are expected to give their best. We respect and value all our learners and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our students so they can learn and achieve in a supportive and secure atmosphere.

At Beatrice Tate School we aim to: provide opportunities for all students to learn and to achieve; promote our students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; and prepare our learners for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Our innovative, learner-focused curriculum which delivers a range of engaging, challenging and achievable learning experiences, is the means by which we meet these aims.

The School works in partnership with a multi-disciplinary team which includes the local primary care trust, who provide nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy services for our learners. In addition, we are supported by the local authority’s peripatetic teachers for the hearing and visually impaired, as well as social care via our link social worker.

We are committed to a partnership with parents, guardians and other members of the local community. We strongly believe that when parents, guardians and other community members are engaged in our students’ education, it ensures exceptional learning opportunities and outstanding outcomes, that best prepare our learners for the next phase of their lives.

Suitable for ages

Age of Users
From 11 years to 19 years



Questions & Answers

Has A Service Description?
Registered For 2 Year Old Grant

OFSTED Information

OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary
26 May 2021

Further Information

Provider Type
Special Schools Special Schools
Ofsted Rating
Delivery Channels
In Person