Marner Primary School
Service Description
We are a large three form entry school in Tower Hamlets in the East End of London. Here at Marner we are very much aware of the responsibility that we have in ensuring that children enjoy coming to school. We are a diverse community and value every child as an individual.
At the school, you will find enthusiastic children with a passion for learning. You will also find a staff team who care for and nurture these young minds so that they grow and flourish. We believe very strongly that partnership with parents is crucial to a child’s success and encourage parents to take an active part in their child’s school life. I know that by working together, we will continue to build on the strengths of the school to make it even more successful.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Breakfast club runs every day between 8am and 8.45am in the main hall with the last breakfast serving at 8.30am. Healthy breakfast food is provided free of charge by The Magic Breakfast ( charity. The children have the opportunity to take part in a number of activities including sport and ICT. A charge of £1 per child, per day is in operation. This is to cover staffing and non- ood resources only.
Marner School runs a wide range of after school clubs that take place between 3.30 and 4.30, with different clubs on each day of the week. The actual clubs being offered each term are highlighted in the club list sent out to parents and carers.
The SHINE on Saturday programme at Marner provides 100 hours of additional and creative learning every year, designed to boost achievement levels. The project runs for 20 Saturdays a year, working with 50 students. Shine on Saturday has well established monitoring procedures to evaluate the impact of each project. Shine on Saturday is not just about helping students to pass their exams but to also foster a love of learning.
Suitable for ages
Age of Users
Questions & Answers
Are The Premises Accessible For Wheelchair Users?
Can Families Self-Refer To The Service?
Do You Have Child Protection Policies And Procedures
Do You Offer Specific Support For Children With Additional Needs?
Has A Service Description?
Registered For 2 Year Old Grant
OFSTED Information
OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary