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Mayflower Primary School


Service Description

Welcome to our school
Mayflower School is named after The Mayflower Ship, famous for taking early pioneers to America. That pioneering spirit is an inspiration for us at Mayflower School as we strive for excellence in learning. We want all our pupils to be successful and we are constantly searching for new and innovative ways to make learning exciting.

We want everyone at Mayflower to enjoy the sense of adventure learning brings and to discover how learning changes lives. We want everyone to feel welcome and included and to be proud of Mayflower School.

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Mayflower’s Curriculum
Our school’s vision runs through our curriculum. We strive for excellence in learning and want all our pupils to be successful learners. We are constantly searching for new and innovated ways to make learning more exciting. We want everyone at Mayflower to enjoy the sense of adventure learning brings and to discover how learning changes lives.

We have high expectations of ourselves and all our learners. We encourage pupils and staff to be problem solvers with a ‘can do’ attitude. We make use of our city so that pupils experience and feel part of London. We enable our pupils to understand they are citizens of a wider global community. We make sure our school is an inclusive, stimulating environment that reflects and celebrates our creative learning.

Our curriculum is Literacy rich and designed to give our pupils local and global knowledge within a board and balanced curriculum. Our topics are based around excellent books, storytelling and visits. This helps put children’s learning in context and also brings learning alive. We want pupils to be talking about their learning and asking questions which shape the learning in their class. We want pupils to persevere, and reflect on learning, to go back and improve their work.

We continue to refine and improve our curriculum and are currently weaving storytelling into each topic to improve the quality of pupils talk and writing. By the time pupils leave Mayflower they will know 48 stories really well. At a recent monitoring visit (26.01.12) The Local Authority advisor wrote: Pupils across the school are all experiencing meaningful learning opportunities, resulting in improved outcomes in learning.

The first topic of each year begins with class artist. Our classes are named after innovative. Kapoor and Hepworth are both sculptors: Matisse, Klee, O’Keeffe, Haring, Hokusai, Rousseau, are painters. Boyce, Riley, Hockney and Ofili are contemporary painters. Ray is a writer and illustrator of children’s books. Children will learn about 8 artists as they move through Mayflower.

Pupils learn key skills from the National Curriculum within topics when possible or discrete when not. We follow the agreed syllabus for religious Education for Tower Hamlets, Which has been developed in consultation with the borough’s teaching staff and communities of religious and beliefs over the past few years. Pupils will learn about the major religions so that with greater knowledge they can respect and have a greater understanding of religions and beliefs.

Music provision at Mayflower includes weekly singing for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.Tuned percussion for LKS2 and guitar lessons for UKS2. We buy into additional support from Thames, Tower Hamlet’s music service who provides us with music tutors.

P.E lessons are taught by Class Teachers in our two halls and playground. We also buy into additional specialist sports provision with sports coaches who teach pupils games and skills they may not otherwise encounter. Pupils in KS2 are currently learning volleyball and handball. They have also learnt fencing, golf and Taekwondo. Year 5 and 6 pupils attend weekly swimming lessons at Mile End Leisure Centre.

Pupils are taught a range of dance styles by professional dancers. This currently Include ballet and Bollywood dance. They have also recently learnt, Street, African and dance theatre.

We offer a wide range of learning opportunities beyond the school day which change each half term. We have before school, lunchtime and after school clubs which include art, music, drama, dance, sports, booster classes, computer, reading and modern foreign languages. Pupils choose the area of learning which appeals to them and learn something new for half term. These experiences give pupils new interests and help them to lead healthier lives. Current clubs include: touch typing for KS1 and 2, drumming, wrestling, Bengali and Spanish, Art, ballet, football, table tennis and science.

In recent pupil interviews (summer 2012) pupils said ‘lesson have become more exciting’. ‘The curriculum has changed and teachers provide interesting and exciting things for us to learn about’. ‘Learning has changed, there are now more class discussions, drama, group work and difficult tasks.’ ‘Science week was really memorable and exciting’ ‘teachers create adventurous lessons, trips inspire our learning’. ‘Our teachers are good and they respect us and we respect them’.

We have two cycles for our curriculum because we are one and half form entry. The curriculum overview gives you a flavour of what our pupils learn.

Suitable for ages

Age of Users
From 5 years to 11 years



Questions & Answers

Are The Premises Accessible For Wheelchair Users?
Can Families Self-Refer To The Service?
Do You Have Child Protection Policies And Procedures
Do You Offer Specific Support For Children With Additional Needs?
Has A Service Description?
Registered For 2 Year Old Grant

OFSTED Information

OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary
31 January 2017

Further Information

Provider Type
Primary Schools
Delivery Channels
Telephone Office / Premises
Referral Criteria
None (Self-referral)