Halley Nursery School
Service Description
Nursery schools provide early learning and childcare for children between 3 and 5 years old. They can be linked to an infant or primary school. Nursery places can be for half day or a whole day.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Our school is in a vibrant part of east London, a short distance from Canary Wharf and is named after Sir Edmond Halley, the astronomer royal. We work in close partnership with our parents and other members of the local community including businesses. Halley is always a busy and stimulating place to be and the whole community is very proud of the school and its successes.
We aim to make every day an exciting one for our pupils and staff. We have a great deal to offer, not least our rich and creative curriculum which is enhanced by ICT and extended by our out of school hours activities.
We have a strong commitment to inclusion and as a barrier-free school are able to accommodate a number of children with physical disabilities. We have a large team of specialist and support staff working with pupils with Special Educational Needs. We also work extremely hard to challenge and stretch our most able children.
We are extremely proud of our school grounds which have been developed to ensure that all pupils have stimulating and happy playtimes. We encourage older children to support the play of younger ones. We have recently added a Japanese garden to our play space, which offers a calm, peaceful corner away from the hurly-burly of the playground.
We see our school as a community of learners - pupils, their parents and members of staff are all on a learning journey. We offer many opportunities for parents to work alongside their children as well as to learn for themselves. We also have a long-standing commitment to the professional development of our adult team. We hope that our pupils are able to thrive and develop in their school and we have high expectations of them in terms of their achievement and their conduct. The school's behaviour policy is entitled "Great Expectations".
Suitable for ages
Age of Users
Questions & Answers
Are The Premises Accessible For Wheelchair Users?
Can Families Self-Refer To The Service?
Do You Cater For Over 8s?
Do You Have A Waiting List?
Do You Have Car Parking Spaces?
Do You Have Child Protection Policies And Procedures
Do You Have Immediate Vacancies?
Do You Offer Specific Support For Children With Additional Needs?
Other Cost Details And Reductions:
Registered For 2 Year Old Grant
What Services/sessions Do You Provide For Parents And Families
Do You Offer 30 Hours Of Free Childcare?
OFSTED Information
OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary