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Children's House Nursery School


Service Description

Nursery schools provide early learning and childcare for children between 2 and 5 years old. They can be linked to an infant or primary school. Nursery places can be for half day or a whole day.

We offer early learning for 2 year ollds

Additional Information

Additional Information

Our Vision at
Children’s House Nursery School is:-

To help young children achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes of staying safe, being healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and ultimately to achieve economic well being.

In order to accomplish this we have the following aims:

For the children:- to:-
Create a welcoming and safe environment;
be valued as an individual be offered equal opportunity to participate in a variety of experiences that will enhance their skills, knowledge and attitudes to learning
be encouraged to be independent in their thinking and learning;
learn through play and through first-hand experience
have access to a meaningful, focused, enjoyable curriculum both indoors and outdoors
have the highest standards of care and education
develop a sense of kindness and respectfulness
develop the qualities of confidence, enthusiasm, tolerance and perseverance
have an understanding of and respect for their own and others belief and cultures

For parents / carers to:-:
be provided with a welcoming environment
be valued as individuals
have a positive experience of their children’s first steps into the educational system
work in partnership with the school staff in a spirit of mutual respect, honesty and openness and to receive regular updates on their child’s progress

Nursery to:-
be informed about the curriculum and experiences that are available in the Nursery
be aware of and share in the values of the school community
have an opportunity to express their views about all aspects of nursery school life

Suitable for ages

Age of Users
From 2 years to 4 years 6 months



Questions & Answers

Are The Premises Accessible For Wheelchair Users?
Do You Cater For Over 8s?
Do You Have A Waiting List?
Do You Have Car Parking Spaces?
Do You Have Immediate Vacancies?
Do You Offer Specific Support For Children With Additional Needs?
Other Cost Details And Reductions:
Registered For 2 Year Old Grant

OFSTED Information

OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary
16 January 2019

Further Information

Provider Type
Nursery Schools / Classes Nursery Schools / Classes
Delivery Channels
Office / Premises Telephone
Eligibility Criteria
Child Aged 5 And Above Tier 1: Universal
Referral Criteria
None (Self-referral)