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Soundbox Inclusive Ensemble



Soundbox is an all-ability inclusive music collective that brings together disabled and non-disabled musicians aged 11-25 to make and create music using a mix of traditional instruments, music technology and singing. We aim for sessions to be accessible, welcoming and engaging for all.

Soundbox takes place as part of the THAMES Saturday Music Centre (SMC) on five Saturday mornings per term at St Paul’s Way Trust School. It is free to attend. It was originally set-up as a partnership with Drake Music, Spitalfields Music and London Symphony Orchestra with whom the ensemble continues to have a close relationship.

12 March 2022
Start Time
End Time



Ages: 7-18 years old
The first term is FREE for every student. There is a termly fee of £80 thereafter. THAMES operates a remission policy to ensure all students can access our music centres regardless of financial background.

Event Repeats

There are currently no upcoming scheduled repeats