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Dynamic Support Register


Service Description

A "Dynamic Support Register" has been designed to help professionals working with Children and Young People with learning disabilities and / or autism better respond to incidents and events that enhance the need for a "raised support" approach.

It is intended to identify and mitigate risks and opportunities for community service provision as an alternative to admission to hospital, and to support those already in hospital towards a timely discharge.

Young people on the Dynamic Support Register will be given a multi-agency review, to identify the needs of young people and ensure a timely multi-agency and organisation action plan is agreed and adhered to.

By understanding young people's needs and recognising early signs that might lead to a crisis it means that extra support can be put in place quickly, by the right people / teams / services, at the right time.

This service improves quality of care, it prevents children, young people and families having to 're-tell' their story and/or be continually re-assessed.

Additional Information

Additional Information

A referral can be made by parents/guardians, children and young people themselves and health professionals. You can be referred if you are:

- A child or young person aged 0-18 living or studying in Tower Hamlets with a Learning Disability

- A child or young person aged 0-18 living or studying in Tower Hamlets with Autism

- A child or young person aged 0-18 living or studying in Tower Hamlets with a Learning Disability and Autism

Suitable for ages

Age of Users
From 0 years to 18 years



Further Information

Provider Type
Health Services
Referral Criteria
None (Self-referral)