Children And Adult Mental Health Project (CHAMP)
Service Description
The CHAMP team is a parental mental health team in Tower Hamlets providing support to families where there is an adult with mental illness.
The team comprises OF two children’s specialist workers who provide early interventions for children living with parental mental illness in order to reduce risk and build resilience, offering consultation and support to allied professionals. Provide a point of contact and coordination of service in cases where more than one agency is involved with a family. Organise group activities and outings for children living with mental illness.
Additional Information
Additional Information
The team do not take on a care management role but work jointly with allocated care coordinators within the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and Children’s Social Care. Consultation is available for cases where a parent might not meet the criteria for CMHT involvement.
We provide a point of contact and co-ordination of services in cases where more than one agency is involved with a family.
We also engage in direct work, working to improve parenting skills, develop communication within families and provide age-appropriate information and support around mental illness to young people.
Suitable for ages
Age of Users
Questions & Answers
Are The Premises Accessible For Wheelchair Users?
Registered For 2 Year Old Grant
OFSTED Information
OFSTED Last Inspection and Summary